
Mathematics Term Exam (Grade: Nine)

This is a Mathematics Term Exam that done by teacher Hussein Raad for grade nine which around two hours. This exam include two parts, the first part about Algebraic and the second about Geometry and every part has 50 percent. In the algebraic part we have four questions, the first question is about fractions (how to write a fraction in an irreducible form ,in the a natural form and in the form of integer). Where as the second question is about algebraic expressions by giving two polynomials (Expand and reduce, factorize, solve the equation, and rationalize the denominator). Also, in the third question there is an English paragraph that talks about a cake shop sell and the aim of this question is to translateb the given information into a system of two equations with two unknowns, then ask them to solve this system. However, In the fourth question there is a given for square ABCD and then ask about plotting for points and to deduce the nature of the qudrilateral. Now, to the geometr

Observation About Momentum

Observation  # 4 Grade: Eight Period: two   New day with this lovely school, new cold day that makes all teachers and the students set around the stove, I entered to the class and started my observation. T: come on guys, you have two minutes to make a revision The teacher says thes words with loud voice. S: revision for what? T: I want to make a small quiz regarding your lesson. Sara: hey mona, Is this lecture physics or chemitry? Shadi: I was absent on Saturday may you late the quiz for next lecture that I can study and know what the lesson is? T: who was absent too? Three students raised their hands. T: Okay, I will make the quiz next lecture, but I  will increase its volume. T: Malak, stand up  and change your place. T: Our lesson is about Work and Power. T: Who is going to remember us what is work? Aya answered correctly. T: for example, if I raise my hand, does this mean I do work? S: Yes T: So, to say I am doing a work, it means that I need f

Philosophical Bases of Behaviorism

Behaviorism has roots in several philosophical traditions. It is related to realism, and the realist thesis of independent reality resembles the behaviorist's belief that behavior is caused by environmental conditions. Behaviorism also is indebted to materialistic philosophy, such as that  promoted by Thomas Hobbes , who held that reality is primarily matter and motion and that all behavioral phenomena can be explained in thos terms. Behaviorism's connection with realism is primarily with modern realism and its advocacy of science. However, it has some similarities to classical realism. For example, Aristotle thought that humans reached form or essence through the study of particulars, and be haviorists think that people can understand human behavior by a meticulous study of particular behaviors. Materialism has its root in Greek philosophy, but as it exists today, Materialism is the theory that reality can be explained by the laws of matter and motion. Behaviorism is defin

Mother's Day

 A mother is everyone's best friend because she takes care of everything we need. So, to say her thanks and give her respect, a day of the year has been dedicated to the mother and celebrated as Mother's Day every year. We cannot live without our mothers and her caring love. She cares us so much, she becomes happy when we laugh and she becomes sad when we weep. She is only in this world who never leaves us alone. She is fully devoted to us like on one else in whole world. In Lebanon Mother's Day is celebrated every year on 21 of the May month. Everyone at home get together to enjoy this day and eat delicious dinner at home or outside the home. All the family member gives gifts to the mother and say her very happy Mother's Day. Our mothers become always at home for us from the birth of us till her last moment of life, she cares us like a small child, we cannot count her contribution in our lives. Even we cannot count her daily activities from early morning till night.

Bloom's Taxonomy

The Taxonomy  improves  on the original by adding  a two- dimensional framework into which you may classify learning objectives and assessment items. The two dimensions are the Knowledge Dimension and Cognitive Process Dimension. The Cognitive Process Dimension is very much like the original Bloom's taxonomy. Its categries are remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. The cognitive processes of synthesis and evaluation from the old taxonomy have switched their older and become evaluate and create in the new taxonomy. This change makes sense, in that evaluation requires making a judgment after analyzing something against criteria hile creating erquires putting together something new. The Knowledge Dimension has four subcategories: Factual knowledge, Conceptual knowledge, Procedural knowledge, and Metacognitive knowledge. Now factual knowledge cotains facts in other mening single facts for example: the sun rises from the east  which is the fact, where as concept

Open Day at Al Jarmark Secondary Shool

On Thursday fifh of April 2018, thee was a big ceremony in Al Jaramak Secondary Schhool, the aim of this day is to encourage the students morally and psychophysically. The day began with a healthy breakfast which include milk, cheese, bread, tea, vegetables, egg..., then the teachers and students moved to the second stage which is a word with usheette Mrs. Sahar Olyan to opening the day, after that the students started singing, dancing, convention some teachers and play some show. Besides the games inflation, also many parents shared with this day. At the end the teachers and students were celebrate with each other and this image represenst how this day is fun and amazing for both. Since teaching needs three essential needs which are: Basic needs that include two things ( safety and phsiological ), Pschological needs ( esteem, belongingness and love needs ) and finally, Self -full fillment needs ( self actualization ). That day was very important with respect to me, I understood the

Six Key Teacher Traits for Personal Relationship Building

                                                                                            When students are interviewed about their relationships with teachers, there is a cluster of teacher characteristics or traits and certain classes of teacher behavior students repeatedly mention as important. The traits are that teachers: Acknowledge them, Value them, Respect them, Demonstrate fairness, Exhibit realness, Are open to humor and having fun. First acknowledging: by greeting students and by making eye contact with them during whole group instruction also noticing them. Second the teacher value them by showing interest in them, being a good listener, and being accessible to valued them. Third respect and fairness by treat us as valued and capable human beings, also by give us chance to express our opinions and views without being put down. Fourth realness from students that wants techers who are willing to talk about their own personal lives and experiences.  Finally, hu