Webinar attended

Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoolers
hosted by edWeb Team
 A webinar that I attened on tenth of  march, very much influenced me and opened my eyes to new ways of dealing with locomotor  movements or traveling skills  (encouraging physical activity in preschoolers by dr. Steve Sanders is a professor in the College of Education's Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of South Florida. He has taught and promoted the concept of being physically active for life throughout his career while working with all age levels from university students to infant/parent and toddler movement classes, to teaching preschool, elementary, and high school physical education.
Locomotor Mvements or Traveling skills
Thses  movements  where the body travels through space from one location to another.
Locomotor movements primarily use the feet for support however, the body can travel on the parts such as the hands and feet. It can be by walking, running, marching, galloping, jumping and landing, skipping, and chasing, feeling, dodging.
The importance of developing locomotor skills in young children can never be underminded..To ensure that your child grows up to be strong, flexible, and physically active, it is necessary to impart these skills at a young age. As a part of the natural growing process, a child being to attempt minor neck movements within a month of his/her birth.
Locomotor skills comprise the basic movements that build the foundation of her physical health in theyears to come.


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