Observation About Momentum

Observation  # 4

Grade: Eight

Period: two

  New day with this lovely school, new cold day that makes all teachers and the students set around the stove, I entered to the class and started my observation.

T: come on guys, you have two minutes to make a revision

The teacher says thes words with loud voice.

S: revision for what?

T: I want to make a small quiz regarding your lesson.

Sara: hey mona, Is this lecture physics or chemitry?

Shadi: I was absent on Saturday may you late the quiz for next lecture that I can study and know what the lesson is?

T: who was absent too?

Three students raised their hands.

T: Okay, I will make the quiz next lecture, but I  will increase its volume.

T: Malak, stand up  and change your place.

T: Our lesson is about Work and Power.

T: Who is going to remember us what is work?

Aya answered correctly.

T: for example, if I raise my hand, does this mean I do work?

S: Yes

T: So, to say I am doing a work, it means that I need force and distance.

T: Work = Force  times  distane.

There is lots of paricipating in the class.

T: Also we classify the work into types:  Motive and Resistive.

T: Batool, What is the difference between these types?

Batool answered with the help of teacher.

T: Let us move to power.

T: Power depends on work.

T: Rayan, Can you remember me about the rule that combine the power with work?

Rayan: Power = Work / Time

T: Mona, what is the unit of time?

Mona: It is in second.

Hassan: I cannot differentiate between three (W), (Weight, Work,and Watt)

T: You can understand them when you read the text.

T: Amir , what is the difference  between power and work?

Amir: Power gives electicity.

Shadi: I give him the answer, hahahahahahahahaha

Reflection on observation # 4:

First point I want to cover in this journal, is the way that the teacher open her lecture, back to the observation, the teacher started her lecture with loud voice and ask her students to prepare themselves to make the revision. The negative point here is the voice of the teacher because she believed that the high voice will make students attentive to her but the opposite thing is happened, the students don't keep silent most of the time.
There are many ways to make the students attentive but this teacher diddn't use any way from desisting. The quarter of class got worry because they didn't concentrate, but the teacher was lack in achieve their needs.


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