Six Key Teacher Traits for Personal Relationship Building


When students are interviewed about their relationships with teachers, there is a cluster of teacher characteristics or traits and certain classes of teacher behavior students repeatedly mention as important. The traits are that teachers:
Acknowledge them, Value them, Respect them, Demonstrate fairness, Exhibit realness, Are open to humor and having fun.

First acknowledging: by greeting students and by making eye contact with them during whole group instruction also noticing them. Second the teacher value them by showing interest in them, being a good listener, and being accessible to valued them. Third respect and fairness by treat us as valued and capable human beings, also by give us chance to express our opinions and views without being put down. Fourth realness from students that wants techers who are willing to talk about their own personal lives and experiences.

 Finally, huomr and fun since humor is a form of caring and that the need to have fun is one of the five basic human needs.


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