Bloom's Taxonomy

The Taxonomy  improves  on the original by adding  a two- dimensional framework into which you may classify learning objectives and assessment items. The two dimensions are the Knowledge Dimension and Cognitive Process Dimension.
The Cognitive Process Dimension is very much like the original Bloom's taxonomy. Its categries are remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. The cognitive processes of synthesis and evaluation from the old taxonomy have switched their older and become evaluate and create in the new taxonomy. This change makes sense, in that evaluation requires making a judgment after analyzing something against criteria hile creating erquires putting together something new.
The Knowledge Dimension has four subcategories: Factual knowledge, Conceptual knowledge, Procedural knowledge, and Metacognitive knowledge.
Now factual knowledge cotains facts in other mening single facts for example: the sun rises from the east  which is the fact, where as conceptual knowledge includes group of facts for example: list the characteristics in the story and who is the main charater, also procedural knowledge it means the steps to achieve, and the metacognitive which is the heighest level of thinking it means thinking about your thinking which is the hardest knowledge.
-Remember factual knowledge: recall the main characters in each of the short stories read and what they did.
Sample assessment item: List the names of all of the characters in "Witch's Forest".
-Understand conceptual knowledge: Explain the main ideas and themes of the short stories that we read.
Sample assessment item: Write using your own words what "Witch's Forest" was all about.
-Analyze procedural knowledge: Identify the literary devices that authors use to convey their characters' feelings to the reader.
Sample assessment: In :Witch's Forest", Sally was upset with her mother. In "Dog Long Gone", Billy was upset with his brother. What words and phrases did the authors of these 2 stories use to show how upset these characters were? Explain and give examples.


  1. After being familiar with this taxonomy and using it in my lesson plans, I felt more confident and based my studies on students and the content and their performance.

  2. Anderson modified the taxonomy combining analysis with synthesis because he considered them complementary. He kept evaluation and came up with creation.Thus, his taxonomy includes: knowledge,comprehension,application,analysis,evaluation and creation.In my opinion,both taxonomies are very close .The question is whether all teachers follow this leveling of thinking or not !?


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