Open Day at Al Jarmark Secondary Shool

On Thursday fifh of April 2018, thee was a big ceremony in Al Jaramak Secondary Schhool, the aim of this day is to encourage the students morally and psychophysically.
The day began with a healthy breakfast which include milk, cheese, bread, tea, vegetables, egg..., then the teachers and students moved to the second stage which is a word with usheette Mrs. Sahar Olyan to opening the day, after that the students started singing, dancing, convention some teachers and play some show. Besides the games inflation, also many parents shared with this day.
At the end the teachers and students were celebrate with each other and this image represenst how this day is fun and amazing for both. Since teaching needs three essential needs which are: Basic needs that include two things ( safety and phsiological ), Pschological needs ( esteem, belongingness and love needs ) and finally, Self -full fillment needs ( self actualization ). That day was very important with respect to me, I understood the relation between teachers and students and I never forgot the smiles on his/her faces.


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